APAA Policies include specific guidelines for activities like Shows, Artist of the Month/Year, etc. Changes to these shall require only an APAA Board majority vote, but can be recommended by any member.
Show Policies:
AWARDS: Awards will be determined for each show by the BOD in conjunction with the Show Chair. At a minimum the following are BOD approved: $500 Best of Show, $300 1st Place, $200 2nd Place, $100 3rd Place, and Promotional Awards for 4 Honorable Mentions. Suppliers or Other interested third parties can also request to provide awards as desired and approved by the Show Chair, Treasurer and President
a. Member Shows are open to all members in good standing as recorded by the Membership chair at the time of entry deadline.
b. Signature Shows are open to all APAA Signature members in good standing recorded by the Points chair and Member Chair.
c. Shows other than Member or Signature shall be proposed by the Show Chair and approved by the BOD. Eligibility for those will be established as part of the approved proposal.
a. All work must be original pastel painting completed in the last two years and not previously shown in an APAA exhibition or show, unless otherwise specified.
b. No work from copyrighted images or photographs taken by anyone other than the submitting artist.
c. All artwork must be completed with dry pastel as a final layer, under-painting as part of the process is acceptable, no oil pastels.
d. Paintings must be suitably framed with dust cover paper and wired for hanging with D ring hangers. No sawtooth hangers.
e. Framed outside dimensions will be determined by the Show Chair for each show as a means to accommodate gallery space and number of paintings.
f.All paintings must be for sale. Commissions to the Gallery and APAA will be determined for each show by the Show Chair and Treasurer.
g. All images submitted must be at 72dpi and 900 pixels on the longest side. Image should be of the painting only, do not include frame or mat. JPEG images only, no exceptions.
h. Work done under supervision or in an instructed class or workshop is not eligible.
i. Accepted paintings must be identical to the image submitted for entry. No substitutions, copies, adjustments, repairs, or any other modification to the painting is allowed after the entry image is submitted. NOTE: It is a good practice to compare the image alongside the completed painting to ensure color equivalence.
j. Labels for paintings will be issued with notification of acceptance. Labels to be attached to the upper left corner on the back of the painting.
k. All artwork hand delivered to SAS by anyone other than the artist, must be packed in a bag with handles and labeled with the artist's name. The person delivering the painting is responsible for opening, retaining, and returning the packing materials to the artist.
l. Any painting that is entered into a Juried APAA show, and is subsequently accepted into the show shall be delivered to be hung in the show. If the artist fails to deliver the painting, the artist is required to pay the APAA commission levied as if the painting was in the show. The Board may also determine subsequent remedial actions if appropriate. (New policy change effective 10/4/2015)
Juried and Signature Policies and Procedures:
1. Juried Status shall be granted to any member in good standing that accumulates 15 points by any combination of the below: a. Juried entry into an APAA show (5 points)
b. Receiving a ribbon into an APAA show (5 points)
2. Signature Status shall be granted to any active Juried member who accumulates 75 points. An APAA Signature Artist can include “APAA” as part of the artist signature on a painting and can participate in Signature shows.
a. The criterion to accumulate points is as follows:
Juried APAA & National Pastel Shows that award Best of Show 25 Points
Juried APAA & National Pastel Shows that award First Place 20 Points
Juried APAA & National Pastel Shows that award Second Place 15 Points
Juried APAA & National Pastel Shows that award Third Place 10 Points
Juried APAA & Nat’l Pastel Shows that award Hon. Mention /Merit 5 Points
Acceptance into APAA Juried Show 5 Points per show
Acceptance into a National Juried Pastel Show 5 Points per show
b. Purchase Awards, Special Awards and People’s Choice may not be used toward Points.
c. Points earned before becoming a Juried Member may be used toward Signature Membership.
d. A Juried/Signature Board member shall maintain records of members’ accumulated points.
e. A certificate will be given at an honors ceremony annually to those who qualify.
Member Policies and Dues:
1. Member dues are $30 paid annually, with exception of charter members and past presidents currently maintaining “active status.”
a. “Active” status for charter members and past presidents shall be established and recorded by the Membership Chair annually by one or more of the following: Attending APAA meetings, Participating as a board member, Participating in APAA shows, Providing or attending demos or workshops for APAA either individually or as part of APAA programs orDonating services or funds to APAA activities equivalent to what member dues would be as determined by the APAA board.
2. Dues cover the time period of APAA’s fiscal year (May 1 to April 30) regardless of when a member joins or submits payment. a. Member dues are payable by April 30 for those renewing membership.
b. Membership chair will record current member status as active for all paid members, and for charter members and past presidents retaining “active status.”
c. Membership chair shall have discretion to remove or retain member names from the APAA roster should member not pay dues by April 30th. The retention option is available to those with financial hardship or other extenuating circumstances or where services rendered are deemed equivalent to the member dues
i. Delinquent members lose privileges granted an active member. Payment of dues reinstates that member to active status via the new member application process.
ii. For Signature members, re-instating active status within 2 years allows the artist to retain signature points. Should that not occur, the member will need to re-apply for membership and re-start through the juried/signature process.
d. Paid dues are required prior to members submitting to any APAA show, and shall be verified by both the Member and show chair during the entry process.
e. Guests are welcome and may attend APAA meetings without being a member, however APAA retains the right to exclude guests from participating in APAA funded activity, programs or offerings at any time.