Show Submit - Has many calls for pastel artists, including Pastel Society of America and IAPS. Resizes for you.
Online Juried Shows - Good mix of calls, including for pastel artists only, and many plein air calls.
Juried Art Services- Somewhat hard to navigate.
CAFE - Huge, searchable website. Not the best for pastel shows.
Dakota Pastel -Hosts quarterly pastel show with good prizes for the winners.
ArtCall - Mixed bag of art calls for all media.
Arizona Art Alliance - Calls for Arizona artists. APAA is a member, so our members can enter the calls.
Scottsdale Artist School - Has occasional art calls
Arizona Artists Guild - Has calls for Arizona artists who are members of AAG.
Tubac Center of the Arts - Has calls for Arizona artists through CAFE. Nice venue in Tubac, Arizona.
Sedona Art Center Gallery - Has calls for Arizona artist, but mostly for SAC members.
Tess Scherer: digital media and the modern artist.pdf
How to Rename Your File for Submission to a Show PDF
Recycling Your Pastel Pieces by Gary Binder DOC