Show Policies:
New Board Policy re: Venues a/o 3/29/2021
VENUES: Determination of Venue (location, cost, dates) shall be approved by the Board as represented by the President and Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer at a minimum. Contracts between APAA and the Venue shall be reviewed by the Show Chair, President, VP, and Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer and shall be signed by the President or alternate, Vice President assuming there is consensus among reviewers. An Insurance Binder shall be obtained from our current Insurance Provider to be valid throughout the entirety of the show for Liability against persons and property. Negotiations for set up, reception, artist demos, workshops, shipping, hanging, and/or show sitting, are the primary responsibility of the show chair as the representative of APAA in consultation with the President and Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer. All monies paid for the Venue itself must be through an APAA Credit Card or APAA Bank Account by the Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer or President. Other expenses can be paid by the Show Chair and invoiced with a receipt to the Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer for reimbursement. The Insurance Binder amount is set by the Insurance Carrier for the location duration of the event. That insurance amount must be paid for by a valid APAA account.
AWARDS: Awards will be determined for each show by the Board in conjunction with the Show Chair. At a minimum the following are Board approved: $500 Best of Show, $300 1st Place, $200 2nd Place, $100 3rd Place, and Promotional Awards for 4 Honorable Mentions. Suppliers or Other interested third parties can also request to provide awards as desired and approved by the Show Chair, Treasurer and President
NATIONAL SHOWS: (New Board Policy a/o 7/15/16)
1. Four Place Awards of Best of Show, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes. Can be Cash and/or Merchandise.
2. Sponsor Awards of an undetermined number to take the place of Honorable Mention awards.
3. Sponsor Awards to have the same point value to APAA Members as Honorable Mention awards in Member Shows.
4. No APAA membership would be required for entry into an APAA National Show, but all other APAA policies regarding shows would apply to both members and non-members as specified in APAA Shows: Policies and Procedures.
a. Member Shows are open to all members in good standing as recorded by the Membership chair at the time of entry deadline.
b. Signature Shows are open to all APAA Signature members in good standing recorded by the Points chair and Member Chair.
c. Shows other than Member or Signature shall be proposed by the Show Chair and approved by the Board. Eligibility for those will be established as part of the approved proposal.
a. All work must be original pastel painting completed in the last two years and not previously shown in an APAA exhibition or show, unless otherwise specified.
b. Work copied from images, paintings or photographs, regardless of copyright issues, that have been published or appeared on the internet, dvd, or any publication or that are likely to be published in any format whatsoever shall not be eligible.
It is permissible to gather and use multiple images, paintings, or photographs as resource material to create an original composition.
It is permissible to use photos from an individual that you personally know with their permission providing the individual is the source of the image, and the image is not rendered as an exact copy and meets the criteria stated above. The artist must provide the original source image or written permission upon request if a question arises about the originality of the work. Any work that cannot be verified will be removed from the show. New Board Policy a/o 11/14/16.
c. All artwork must be completed with dry pastel as a final layer, under-painting as part of the process is acceptable, no oil pastels.
d. Paintings must be suitably framed with dust cover paper and wired for hanging with D ring hangers. No sawtooth hangers.
e. Framed outside dimensions will be determined by the Show Chair for each show as a means to accommodate gallery space and number of paintings.
f.All paintings must be for sale. Commissions to the Gallery and APAA will be determined for each show by the Show Chair and Treasurer.
g. All images submitted must be at 72 dpi and 900 pixels on the longest side. Image should be of the painting only, do not include frame or mat. JPEG images only, no exceptions.
h. Work done under supervision, mentorship, or in an instructed class, workshop, online instruction, published step by step instruction, dvd, or any other form of instruction is not eligible. Any work shown to be part of any instruction as defined above will be removed from the show. New Board Policy a/o 11/14/16.
i. Accepted paintings must be identical to the image submitted for entry. No substitutions, copies, adjustments, repairs, or any other modification to the painting is allowed after the entry image is submitted. NOTE: It is a good practice to compare the image alongside the completed painting to ensure color equivalence.
j. Labels for paintings will be issued with notification of acceptance. Labels to be attached to the upper left corner on the back of the painting.
k. All artwork hand delivered to SAS by anyone other than the artist, must be packed in a bag with handles and labeled with the artist's name. The person delivering the painting is responsible for opening, retaining, and returning the packing materials to the artist unless the bag is held at the venue.
l. Any painting that is entered into a Juried APAA show, and is subsequently accepted into the show shall be delivered to be hung in the show. If the artist fails to deliver the painting, the artist is required to pay the APAA commission levied as if the painting was in the show. The Board may also determine subsequent remedial actions if appropriate. (New policy change effective 10/4/2015)
m. Registration entry fees are not refundable.