“ It takes a patient artist to produce an accurate painting but it is the energetic
painter who can turn a painting into an emotional experience.” | cheri saffro PSA, CPP-M, APAA, IAPS/MC Cheri Saffro has always been recognized as an artist. An early scholarship to the Art Institute of Chicago made the Museum her home school. Studying the Masters allows her to analyze and interpret their work while internalizing their methods and techniques. Early influences include Picasso, Degas, Renoir and Matisse. She now creates pastel paintings inspired by their styles, palettes and classic themes. Saffro’s bold decisive style captures gesture and mood. She has the capacity to paint only the essentials, eliminating unnecessary distractions thus allowing the viewer to complete the paintings for themselves.Adding enigmatic titles adds to the fun and intrigue of enjoying the work. She considers each painting to be a personal statement and one that she wants to share. Saffro has the desire to inspire the next generation through her paintings. Cheri is a Signature member of the Pastel Society Of America, the Chicago Pastel Painters, the Arizona Pastel Painters Association and has gained Master Circle status in the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS). |